Thursday, July 9, 2015



The beat quickens. 
Tired men, blinded by 
the salt spray, soaked by the 
endless onslaught of the rolling 
surf around their hapless craft,
stand with hands numbly grasping 
ropes and rails, waiting as the storm
tosses them mercilessly.

It had been days since a dark line 
of clouds suddenly obscured the sun. 
The wind and the waves 
had grown steadily in intensity.

As the lightening illuminated a lucid moment, 
their ship is righted just in time 
to see a swelling towering monster 
of a wave bearing down on them…
still hundreds of yards off, but already 
higher than the main mast…


The rhythm after the 
anniversary waltz, 
startled in the after glow. 

With a gasping inhalation 
of surprise and shock 
she notices the fixed stare, 
gaping mouth, 
his grey/blue pallor 
and eerie stillness.

“Honey? Are you okay?”


The rhythm, while he watched, 
as the people in the hospital room 
began to throb in the jerky style 
of one of his grandson’s videos.

He saw some morphing into 
glowing animated auroras, 
or some obscure memory,
the sound of conversation, 
like listening through the vents 
back at school …

He remembers running outside 
beneath a friendly full moon. 
He looks up at its smiling face as 
strong hands reach down to him.

Reaching his chubby
infant hands upward, 
he falls towards the 
friendly good feeling.
warm…and safe.

And welcome…

the beat.
Soaring towards…

[The Monitor Screams]

The stars,
and home.

Written by Ric Ohge aka Rex Dexter 2003

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